Lenka Sršňová
Lenka Sršňová belongs to the current generation of young Slovak designers. She graduated from the Fashion Design Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava and completed study stay in Finland and Paris. A major point in the formation of her playful manuscript was a working internship in the studio of Jean Charles de Castelbajac in Paris. In her work she naturally admits artistic influence and easily combines fashion with other sectors of design and art. As she says fashion is not just about clothing. Fashion is culture; it is a reflection of the period and society. Clothes identify who we are and who we want to be. Clothes form our personality and are our second skin. Hence she decided to dedicate to fashion and her work offers joyful and original alternative in clothing.
Lenka’s view of the current clothing is very specific. Daring, sometimes even experimental pattern is eye-catching among the Slovak designers. In her work she likes using intense colors, bold patterns and puts a great emphasis on detail, humor and symbolism. A distinctive and characteristic feature of her artistic and design expression is a story-telling. Her collections and clothing teeter on the edge of reality and fantasy. Each model has its own story, is unique and original at the same time. Fashion that Lenka creates is juicy, full of energy and joy of life. Models are entertaining, put a smile on your face and become your favorite piece in the closet.
Lenka works in Bratislava, where she opened her own studio after graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in 2009. Colorful and playful world that she presents every year is gaining more and more fans and supporters. Her name and the brand are slowly settling in the Slovak fashion scene and are becoming the guarantee of originality and quality.
Working as a fashion designer is Lenka’s full time job, nevertheless she is also involved in educational, organizational and presentation activities. She is associated with a design group Denamit, a playful project Vytvorené na Slovensku (Created in Slovakia) and she is also a co-organizer and co-founder of the famous fashion parade Fashion Marš!